Mavzu: Ingliz tilida gaplashamiz
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Ingliz tilini qay darajada bilasiz
20% (12)
0% (9)
50% (5)
70% (5)
100% (3)
50. walterhack (515) [off] | TXT | 10| 1 Jul 2018, 21:10
WaP_MaSTeR (1 Jul 2018, 20:47):
real_fans, The people who you seek is not in this place:D
shahzod, why are you talking like that I'll teach him if he wants
51. BlackCat (743) [off] | TXT | 10| 1 Jul 2018, 21:34
Brigand, memorize vocabularies and keep calm its effective way to learn english :D
52. Sanjarbe (151) [off] | TXT | 17| 1 Jul 2018, 22:02
My name's Sanjarbe!
My surname is Anvarov!
I'm 25 years old!
I live in Chinaz!
I don't married!
I can speak in English
53. Zenit (414) [off] | TXT | 17| 1 Jul 2018, 22:20
Brigand, I know past simple,present continous and many tenses
54. Zenit (414) [off] | TXT | 17| 1 Jul 2018, 22:25
Brigand, Ok good bye
55. Eseyj (183) [off] | TXT | 16| 2 Jul 2018, 06:53
Brigand, not bad. Where are you from?
56. Eseyj (183) [off] | TXT | 14| 2 Jul 2018, 20:33
Ok. How old are you.
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